Board of Directors Established Policies

Article IV Section 4.2.3 of the SCHOA Articles of Incorporation directs the Summers Creek Homeowners Association to provide for the enforcement of the Covenants. Article VII of the SCHOA Bylaws sets forth the powers and duties of the Board of Directors. Section 7.3.9 authorizes the Board to make, amend, and rescind from time to time operating rules for the Common Property and the Association, and to assess fines for violation of the Covenants and the operating rules. The policies and procedures contained in this section can be changed by the Board of Directors as necessary and do not require Association membership vote.

Board of Directors Code of Ethics
The Board of Directors has established the following Code of Ethics to be upheld by Directors among fellow Board Members and guide the conduct towards Community Members

Covenant and Rule Enforcement

The Board of Directors has established the following Covenant and Rule Enforcement policy and procedure guidelines to help provide for the enforcement of the Covenants.

Request for information, complaints, questions, and access to Official Association Records

The Board of Directors has established the following policy and procedure guidelines for requests to Official Association Records.

Tenant Background Certification Policy

To help make Summers Creek a safer, more desirable place to live for all residents by requiring landlord owners (owners who rent or grant their properties to others in their absence) to certify that their prospective tenants (adult occupants to reside at their property) have no criminal activity in their background that would pose a risk to the residents of Summers Creek. In so doing, this policy also seeks to mitigate liability exposure for the Summers Creek Homeowners' Association (SCHOA) by placing greater emphasis and responsibility for tenant screening on landlord owners. The liability for landlord owners is also reduced by providing a means of demonstrating that they have done the proper due diligence and applied the proper judgment in the tenant selection process should any future litigable incidents involving their tenants occur.

Meeting Recording
The 2015 Board of Directors established the procedures by which Board and Membership meetings may be recorded as authorized in Section 720.306(10), Florida Statutes. That policy is

Dues Collection Procedure and Policy

The Board of Directors established the procedures and policy by which Board will collect dues and attempt collection of past dues. That policy is